Saturday 19 January 2013

Add Administrative Tools to the Start Screen

Add Administrative Tools to the Start Screen

For Windows power users, the Metro interface may just be another layer hindering convenient access to the applications and tools that they require. Yes, we're talking about Administrative Tools such as Performance Monitor and Task Scheduler. However, you can have these tools show up on the Start Screen as Live tiles.

It's convenient to have these important tools pinned to the Start Screen.
(Credit: Screenshot by Vincent Chang/CNET Asia)

Open the Charms bar, select Settings and then Tiles. Enable the option here to "show administrative tools" and they should now appear on the Start Screen as Live tiles. Of course, if you already have many tiles in your Start Screen, we recommend that you organize them into groups for easier access.

To do so, simply drag an app tile to an empty spot on the Start Screen. This will isolate it and create its own group--you can then add more app tiles to this collection. You can also name the group by right-clicking on it while zoomed out.
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