Sunday 20 January 2013

Top 25 peoples who changed internet forever

Top 25 peoples who changed internet forever

Top 25 People Who Changed the Internet Forever --- 1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee – World Wide Web 2. Vint Cerf And Bob Kahn – TCP/IP 3. Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Google Inc. 4. David Filo and Jerry Yang – Yahoo! Inc. 5. Bill Gates – Microsoft 6. Steven Paul Jobs – Apple Inc. 7. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook 8. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen – YouTube 9. Linus Torvalds – Linux 10....

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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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